The Hawaiian Collection Room has shorter hours than the library building. If you need an item from the room, but it is closed, follow the instructions below.
1. Use the Library Catalog to find the item.
2. Write down or text yourself the item's call number and title. Make sure the item is available (Status: Not checked out). Copy 1 may only be used inside the library, copy 2 and higher may leave the building.
3. Take this information to the Circulation Desk, where a staff member will retrieve the item and check it out to you.
1. Use the Library Catalog to find the item
2. Click "Get This Item"
3. Log in
4. Click "Hold or transfer this item"
5. Choose your pickup location
6. Click "Submit Request"
7. Wait to be notified of it's availability via your email
Requests for pickup at the WCC Library are typically filled the next business day and are available by noon. All requested items are held at the Circulation Desk for ten business days. Any unclaimed items are returned to the shelves at closing and made available for others.
To limit your search results to the WCC Hawaiian Collection, select ADVANCED SEARCH, then under "Location" select WINDWARD CC: HAWAIIAN COLLECTION.
Try our Library Catalog tutorial or talk to a friendly librarian at the Info Desk or call them at (808) 235-7338.