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Test ʻŌlelo Hawaiʻi LibGuide: Library Policies

Test LibGuide with Hawaiian language setting (content in English, system in Hawaiian).

Bulletin Board and Literature Display Policy

Windward Community College Library ("Library") provides a literature rack, brochure rack and bulletin boards for the display and dissemination of informational bulletins, brochures, posters, and literature of interest to the community. The literature rack is located near the main entrance to the building. The brochure rack is near the elevator on the main floor. The bulletin boards are located near the elevator, in the printing room, and across from Room 222 on the main floor.

Please present all materials to the library staff at the Circulation Services Desk.  As time permits, the Circulation Services Manager or a librarian will review the material to determine whether to display or post it. Library staff may refuse any materials that do not meet the Policy's criteria.  

Appropriate materials may include notices about:

  • Library events
  • WCC events
  • Other events taking place on the WCC campus
  • Student club announcements
  • WCC course announcements
  • Cultural events
  • College & job fairs
  • Campus employment
  • Research studies
  • Scholarships and study abroad programs
  • Informational, non-partisan political events

Inappropriate materials will not be placed or posted. These may include:

  • For-profit business & events
  • Personal advertising
  • Religious purposes
  • Partisan politics
Poster size is limited to 11” x 17".  Larger items may be accepted for display at the discretion of the Circulation Services Manager or a librarian. Approved material will be stamped, dated, and posted/placed by a staff member.

All materials will be removed the day after the event date,  after one month, or at the end of the semester as appropriate.

Library staff have the discretion to rearrange or remove postings to make room for others.

Inappropriate, unauthorized, and outdated postings will be removed.

Items posted or placed elsewhere (walls, tables, windows, doors, etc.) will be removed.

Policy effective April 9, 2013

Circulation, Loan and Fine Policies

Windward Community College Library ("Library") is open to any individual who wishes to use materials inside the building. Almost all materials are available on open shelves for self-retrieval. Selected materials are kept in protective storage and may not be available to all users, or may be available only to persons affiliated with the University of Hawai'i.

Collection Development Policy


This policy guides the systematic development and management of Windward Community College Library ("Library") collections of print, serial, audiovisual, and electronic resources. It considers collection development and management issues within the framework of global access to information resources, and will require regular assessment and adjustment.

The intent of this policy is to define a collection development and information access program to meet the following objectives:

  1. Provide current, diverse, balanced collections of materials to support the curriculum
  2. Provide access to information resources in appropriate formats
  3. Encourage instructional faculty participation in collection development
  4. Serve distance education students and faculty by providing remote access to materials in the most appropriate and cost-effective manner
  5. Assist with short-range and long-range fiscal planning
  6. Foster coordinated collection development and resource sharing between University of Hawai'i campus libraries

College Mission

College mission statement: Windward Community College offers innovative programs in the arts and sciences and opportunities to gain knowledge and understanding of Hawai‘i and its unique heritage. With a special commitment to support the access and educational needs of Native Hawaiians, we provide O‘ahu’s Ko‘olau region and beyond with liberal arts, career and lifelong learning in a supportive and challenging environment – inspiring students to excellence.

Vision: Ka Mālamalama o ke Ko‘olau – “Enlightening Ko‘olau”
Students and community members will be enriched by “the light of knowledge” through quality programs and able to lead full, productive lives in a rapidly changing world.

Core Values: The College and its mission, goals and actions are guided by core values that reflect the Hawaiian culture.

Na‘auao – Learning
Student-centered learning environment
Excellence in academics and workforce training
Creativity and critical thinking
Intellectual freedom
Lifelong learning 
Global awareness

Ho‘okomo – Access
“Open-door” admissions policy
Excellence in financial aid service 
Need-centered education
Diverse approaches to learning
Disability sensitivity
Educational outreach to communities

Laulima – Collaboration
Shared accomplishments
Shared governance 
Service to community
Campus and community engagement
Experiential learning

Ho‘ihi – Respect
Cultural awareness and aloha
Student voice
‘Ohana-style inclusiveness
LGBTI Safe Zones

Mea Hou – Innovation
Creative use of research and technology
Positive transformation in student learning, curriculum, and campus growth

Mālama ‘ Āina – Sustainability
Stewardship of our interrelated natural resources
Conservation awareness

Mission of College Library

In accordance with the College's mission, the Library recognizes its responsibility to serve as an integral part of the College's instructional program by providing access to resources that support the college curriculum, by stimulating the intellectual development of students and faculty, by motivating students to acquire reading, research and life-long learning skills, and by assisting faculty in maintaining awareness of current information resources and information literacy skills.

Library Mission statement: Windward Community College Library is committed to providing exemplary services that foster information literacy and enhance teaching and learning, and to developing, organizing and maintaining resources that provide for diverse perspectives and styles of learning.

Collection Development Responsibility

Collection development is encouraged by all members of the college community. The professional library staff will recommend or select materials for purchase. Standard reviewing journals such as Library Journal and Choice will be consulted for appropriate materials.

Faculty are strongly encouraged to recommend materials in their academic disciplines, particularly to support their courses. Student, staff, and community requests for the acquisition of materials are also welcomed and encouraged. All suggested titles are reviewed and evaluated by the professional library staff. The Head Librarian has final authority in the selection of materials.

General Criteria for Selection of Materials

  1. Relevance to the curriculum and appropriateness to the user
  2. Timeliness, accuracy, and lasting value of material
  3. Reputation of the author, issuing body, and/or publisher
  4. Appropriate presentation: style, clarity, reading level
  5. Aesthetic considerations: literary, artistic, or social value; appeal to the imagination, senses, or intellect
  6. Special features: detailed, accurate index; bibliography; footnotes; appropriate illustrations
  7. Physical and technical quality: paper, typography, design; size; binding; durability
  8. Ease of use
  9. Suitability of content to form
  10. Depth of current holdings in the same or similar subject
  11. Demand, including frequency of interlibrary loan requests placed for material on the same or similar subject
  12. Cost of material relative to the budget and other available material
  13. Availability of material in other collections or on the Web
  14. All formats including print, audiovisual, microform and electronic formats will be considered

Types and Formats of Materials Collected

Printed books are collected in paperback editions unless the content and value of the book make hardbound a better option. Books that are frequently updated (e.g., nursing/medical texts, computer manuals, test preparation materials) are purchased in paperback formats.

Popular fiction having short-term interest among readers is not purchased unless in support of the READ collection. Established literary works and new works receiving critical acclaim in the literary field are considered, especially those works that support course offerings.

Textbooks are not selected due to their high cost and frequent revision, unless recommended by faculty as exceptional resources. Exceptions are those that have earned a reputation as "classics" in their fields, or are the only or best sources of information on a particular topic.

Faculty research in pursuit of advance degrees is not supported.

Reference materials supporting the research and curriculum needs of students are selected and generally include encyclopedias, dictionaries, atlases, directories, indexes, bibliographies, statistical compilations, handbooks and databases. Reference works are also selected to provide fundamental bibliographic access to, or an introductory overview of, an academic discipline.

Serials/periodicals/journals/newspapers are publications issued in successive parts bearing numeric or chronological designations and intended to be continued indefinitely. Serials are acquired via subscription. Individual issues, short runs or reprints will rarely be acquired.

Audiovisual materials, including videotapes, audiotapes, compact disks and DVDs, are collected and purchased at the request of the faculty for classroom support. No attempt is made to augment the collection with audiovisual selections.

Electronic and Online Resource materials will be considered when they provide the most current and/or cost-effective resources. The following online resources will be actively selected:

  • Online resources such as licensed commercial, fee-based resources including electronic books; journal databases; and databases providing information portals for specific subject areas. In additional to general selection criteria above, the following criteria will be used:
    • Product compares favorably with similar products
    • Multiple user access is available
    • Interface is user-friendly
    • Appropriate online help is available
    • Good technical support is available
    • Usage statistics are available
    • The Library is not required to subscribe to both print and electronic versions of the product, unless this is desired
    • License agreement allows normal rights and privileges accorded libraries under copyright law
    • License agreement gives the Library’s indemnification against third party copyright infringement
  • The Library will attempt to balance print, electronic and online resources without unnecessary duplication. Print, audiovisual, or electronic resources may be duplicated with fee-based online resources when:
    • Resource has significant historical value
    • One format is unstable
    • Cost benefit for purchasing multiple formats exists
    • Multiple formats meet the different needs of user groups
    • Usage justifies additional copies
  • Online resources, services and databases will be selected and provided as links from the Library’s website.

Hawaiian Collection provides resources on Hawai'i. The Library will acquire two copies of each title when possible. One copy is for use in the Library; the second copy will circulate to Windward Community College students, faculty, and staff.

English language materials will be collected with the exception of foreign language materials supporting introductory language courses and items for the Hawaiian Collection.

Duplicate materials will be purchased only when high demand is anticipated.

Out-of-Print Materials are rarely acquired unless for replacement of heavily used items which are lost or withdrawn due to poor physical condition, or to fill significant gaps in the collection.


See Gift Acceptance Policy.

Deselection (Weeding)

To maintain a well-balanced, viable and useful collection of materials supporting the instructional programs of the College, and to provide materials with general interest value for the larger college community, the Library will continually evaluate its collection and withdraw, replace and repair its titles.

Obsolete, damaged or otherwise unusable materials must be withdrawn in order to provide the Library with a quality collection. The following criteria are considered in withdrawing materials:

  • Materials that no longer support the curriculum
  • Poor physical condition; not suitable for rebinding or repair
  • Obsolete information with little historical value
  • Replacement by newer edition or a resource with better coverage or more suitable format
  • Duplicate copies of a title no longer in high demand
  • Lack of space for materials
  • Insufficient use
  • Materials determined as to be lost, missing or long overdue
  • Broken files of journals/microfilm
  • Unsupported formats

Major withdrawal decisions will be jointly discussed by Library staff. Faculty members in related disciplines may be consulted on the need to retain any materials chosen for withdrawal. Decisions to withdraw are made on a case-by-case basis.

Replacement of Materials

Titles that are missing, lost, or withdrawn because of wear will not automatically be replaced. The merit of the material will be considered before replacement copies are authorized. The following criteria will be used when making decisions on replacements:

  • Continued value of the particular title
  • Demand for the specific title
  • Number of copies held
  • Existing coverage of the subject
  • Availability of newer or better material on the subject
  • Availability of replacement copy
  • Price of the replacement copy


Decisions to mend, bind, or withdraw worn books will be made using the following considerations:

  1. Value and use of the title
  2. Cost of binding versus cost of replacement
  3. Number of duplicate copies in the collection
  4. Availability of replacement


The Library supports the statements on collection development contained within the Standards for Libraries in Higher Education adopted by the American Library Association, October 2011.

Intellectual Freedom

The Library acquires materials that represent differing opinions and without censorship. The Library does not add or withdraw, at the request of any individual or group, material which has been chosen or excluded on the basis of stated selection criteria. The Library supports the American Library Association's:


The Library complies with the amended Copyright Act (Title 17 of the U. S. Code) and supports the Fair Use section of the Copyright Law (17 U.S.C. 107) which permits and protects citizens' rights to reproduce and make other uses of copyrighted works for the purposes of teaching, scholarship, and research.

Cooperative Collection Development

In order to enhance the information base available to users, the Library will also consider access rather than ownership of materials. The Library will direct users to resources available in other collections whenever possible. Efforts will be made to cooperate with the University of Hawai'i libraries to share resources and engage in cooperative acquisitions projects.

Interlibrary Loan

Interlibrary loan and document delivery will be utilized to provide materials outside the scope of the Library's collections.

Policy Review

This policy will be reviewed and updated as necessary in order to reflect the changing information environment.

Policy updated September 7, 2006; May 23, 2012

Community Users

A community borrower is defined as a borrower who is not a University of Hawai'i credit program faculty, staff or student. A community user must be: (a) a permanent resident of the country and, (b) at least 18 years old. Community borrowers are afforded the same privileges as campus borrowers except for the following:

  • They may not borrow Reserve items or Hawaiian collection materials
  • They may not receive intra- or inter-library loans
  • They may have loan periods different from campus borrowers
  • They may not receive bibliographic instruction

A community library card will be valid only at participating UH campus libraries. Community borrowers must present a picture ID to obtain a card. No materials may be borrowed without a card. A sticker placed on the card will indicate the card’s expiration date. Community borrowers must abide by the borrowing policies and procedures of the campus library or libraries they use.

Libraries of the University of Hawai'i System Community Services

Type of
Library User:

Community User

UH Retiree

Hawai'i State/City/Federal Agencies

Research Organization 

Associate Member 

Criteria to Get a Community User Library Card:

18 years or older

One of the following:

Hawaii Drivers License
Hawaii State ID
Kingdom of Hawaii ID
Military ID 

10 years of service in the University of Hawaii System

Photo ID

Memorandum from your department chair or campus personnel officer, signed and dated on official letterhead, stating that you have worked 10 or more years in the UH system

Complete application form for Hawaii state and city agencies

Request printed on departmental letterhead signed by fiscal or other authorized officer

Include name(s) and ID number(s) of the individuals 

Completed "Research Card
Request and Agreement" form
Request printed on
institution’s letterhead signed
by fiscal or other authorized
officer, including name(s) and
ID number(s) of the individual

Anyone 18 years or older who wishes to join the Associates of the University of Hawaii at Manoa Library (friends group)

Photo ID

Cost, Non-refundable:

6 months, $30,
1 year, $60

Hawai`i residents 60 years and older:
6 months $20,
1 year $30 

10 Years, FREE

First two cards, no charge

Additional cards: $50 each

$60 each per year

$65 per year ($25 tax deductible as a donation)

Borrowing Privileges,

10 books 

10 books 

10 books 

10 books 

25 books 

Loan Period:

28 days

28 days

28 days

28 days

28 days

Renewal of Books and AV material:

1 renewal

1 renewal

1 renewal 

1 renewal 

1 renewal

Borrowing Privileges, AV:

UH Manoa, Kapiolani CC, Kauai CC, Leeward CC, & Windward CC: In-house AV viewing free; borrowing $23 per title

UH Hilo & UH West O'ahu & Maui CC: No AV viewing or borrowing

UH Manoa ONLY:
In-house AV viewing free; borrowing $23 per title

Replacement Fee: 

$5 per card 

$5 per card 

$5 per card 

$5 per card 

$5 per card 

Non-Refundable Card will be Issued:

Immediately upon payment 

Immediately upon completion of required forms

7 days after application form,
signed letterhead and
payment are received

7 days after application form,
signed letterhead and
payment are received

Immediately upon payment

Eligible for Borrowing at the Following Campuses *

Hawaii Community College
Kapiolani Community College
Kauai Community College
Leeward Community College
UH Maui College
UH Hilo
UH Manoa: Hamilton Library & Sinclair Library   
UH West Oahu
Windward Community College

UH Manoa: Hamilton Library & Sinclair Library ONLY

Services NOT Available Intrasystem loans, Holds/Recalls, interlibrary loans, computer labs, group study rooms, lockers, laptop loans and remote access to restricted online databases
No in-house access to Library PCs or laptops with Internet access at UH Hilo & UH Maui College
* Not Participating Honolulu Community College, UH Center West Hawaii, UH School of Law, UH School of Medicine

Revised 2/24/2012

Computer and Audiovisual Equipment Use Policy

Windward Community College Library ("Library") develops collections, resources, and services that meet the educational, instructional, and research needs of the College community. To further meet these needs, the Library provides computer and audiovisual equipment for the purpose of accessing electronic information resources and using audiovisual media. The Computer and Audiovisual Equipment Use Policy is part of the Library's overall policy structure and should be interpreted in conjunction with other existing policies and procedures.


Library computers and audiovisual equipment are to be used only for educational, instructional and research purposes. Users must respect the rights of other users and abide by all University and Library policy, licensing, and contractual agreements. Users must not use equipment in an unsafe or harmful manner and should not damage equipment and facilities.

Users must comply with the University of Hawaii Policy on the Use and Management of Information Technology Resources.

The following is considered unauthorized computer use and is prohibited:

  1. Knowingly or carelessly performing an act that will interfere with the normal operation of computers, peripherals, or networks;
  2. Attempting to circumvent data protection schemes or uncover security loopholes;
  3. Using the network to gain unauthorized access to any computer systems;
  4. Masking the identity of an account or machine, which includes, but is not limited to, sending e-mail anonymously;
  5. Attempting to monitor or tamper with electronic communications of other users, or reading, copying, changing, or deleting files or software of other users;
  6. Installing or uploading of software programs;
  7. Using a computer account that you are not authorized to use.

It is also University policy that:

  1. Displaying of sexually explicit images or sounds where others can see or hear them may create a hostile environment and could constitute sexual harassment according to University policies on sexual harassment. Library staff may intervene and direct users to cease this activity;
  2. University resources are intended to be used for institutional and educational purposes and may not be used for private gain;
  3. Users must observe all laws relating to copyright, trademark, export and intellectual property rights.
Priority Users

Windward Community College (WCC) students, faculty, and staff have priority for accessing electronic resources and using Library computer and audiovisual equipment. WCC affiliated users may be asked to limit their use of the equipment if others are waiting. Non-affiliated users may be asked to relinquish the equipment to WCC students, faculty, or staff at any time. Any user may be asked to show a valid WCC or University of Hawaii library card or identification.

Designated Computers

Some Library computers are designated for specific purposes and users may be asked to relinquish these computers. All Library computers require authentication of WCC affiliation in order to be used.

Printing/Downloading/Word Processing

Printing from Library computers is available on a fee-per-page basis.

Policy Violations

It is the policy of the College to deny access to any member of the user community who violates this policy or who uses the College's technology resources to violate other duly established policies or laws.

Revised 09/17/08

Course Reserves Policy

Windward Community College Library ("Library") provides faculty a way to lend materials they have reserved for their students to use. These materials may include physical-format items such as books, DVDs, course packets, class notes, homework solutions, sample papers, models, etc. Faculty may supply their own personal copies or place library materials on reserve.

Submission Deadlines for Course Reserves Lists and Materials

Please submit your lists and materials by the following dates to ensure your students will have access from the first day of class:

Semester Deadline
Fall August 1
Spring December 1
Summer I May 1
Summer II June 1

While the semester is in session, submit lists and materials at least two weeks in advance of the assigned use of the material. The Library processes reserve requests in the order received.

How to Submit Course Reserves Lists and Materials

To place items on Course Reserves, download the Reserve List Form and submit in person at the Circulation Desk or email the completed form to

Library staff will retrieve Library-owned items. Please bring personal copies directly to the Circulation Desk.

Labels and a barcode will be affixed to each item. Because materials may become damaged or lost, the Library advises against placing valuable or irreplaceable items on reserve.

Purchase Requests for Items Not in Library Collection

If you want to reserve an item that the Library does not own, Library staff will consider a request to purchase one copy. Due to cost and licensing restrictions, the Library does not purchase assigned textbooks.

To make a purchase request, email a complete citation for each item (including author, title, edition, publisher, ISBN and publication date) to

Allow at least two months for purchasing and processing items.

Number of Copies Per Course

Instructors may submit a maximum of three copies per title.

List Deactivation and Return of Materials

At the end of Spring semester, the Library will deactivate course reserves lists. Library staff will contact you to arrange pickup or delivery of items to your campus mailbox. Library-owned items will be returned to their respective shelves.

Reactivating Lists from Previous Semesters

Course Reserves lists are not reactivated automatically. Lists used within the past 2 years may be reactivated by submitting a request to

Restrictions on Course Reserve Materials

Copyright compliance is the responsibility of the submitting faculty member. The Library reserves the right to refuse or remove any course reserve item deemed impermissible under copyright law.

Section 107 of the U.S. Copyright Code outlines the Fair Use doctrine, and Section 108 of the US Copyright Code specifies the circumstances under which libraries may use duplicated materials. The American Library Association has several resources to help you determine how you may use copyrighted materials.

Copyright law allows you to place a textbook on reserve at the Library, so long as it is not done in lieu of having students purchase their own copy.

The Library cannot reserve items from its Reference or Periodicals Collections or those belonging to another library.

Classroom Showings of Reserved Media

If you have placed an audio or video recording on reserve for one of your courses, you may borrow it for up to seven days, as long as the item is not on reserve for another course. Any other instructor may check out a reserved video or sound recording for up to 24 hours for classroom use. As a professional courtesy, we encourage communication between instructors to prevent misgivings or student hardship.

Questions? Contact Christy Lawes, Access Services Manager, at 235-7441 or

Policy updated 08/06/14

Email Delivery of Notices

To offer new and faster services, and to save money, as of September 1st, 2004, the UH System Libraries will no longer send library notices by US postal mail. Instead, all notices will be sent electronically to email addresses. These notices include:

  • upcoming due date notices
  • upcoming due date notices
  • pick-up notices recall notices overdue notices
  • fines and fees notices
  • invoices

UH students, faculty and staff should check for email often. Email can be accessed through MyUH or Google@UH, or forwarded to another email account (such as Hotmail or Road Runner). Get instructions on how to forward UH email.

Executive Conference Rooms Policy

Windward Community College Library ("Library")
Executive Conference Room(s)
Hale Laakea, Rooms 304-305


Reservation and use of the conference room(s) is limited to the following:

  • The Windward Community College (WCC) Office of the Chancellor may request to reserve the room(s) to host Executive Staff or UH Systemwide meetings, donor/fundraising events, accreditation team visits, etc. 
  • UH Systemwide groups may request use of the room(s) to host meetings and events. Examples of such groups include: the Wo Learning Champions, the UH Library Council, and the UH Marketing Directors.
  • The room(s) may be reserved for UH system-wide training events, such as conferences, Learning to Learn seminars, etc.
  • WCC librarians may reserve the room(s) for information literacy workshops and class visits to the library.


  • The room(s) may be reserved a maximum of eight weeks in advance and a minimum of two working days in advance.
  • Direct reservation requests to the Access Services Manager, Christy Lawes, at or 808-235-7441.

Room Setup

  • Those reserving the room will be responsible for its setup and for returning it to its prior state at the end of the event/meeting. 
  • A carpet sweeper and other cleaning supplies will be made available upon request. 
  • Extra chairs or tables must be requested at least two working days before the event.


  • Food and beverages are allowed in the room(s).
  • Beverages must be dispensed in covered containers when feasible (coffee cups with lids, sodas in bottles, etc.). 
  • Anyone wishing to serve alcohol must get permission in advance from the WCC Office of the Chancellor. 
  • Crumbs and spills must be thoroughly cleaned up as soon as possible. 
  • Following the event, all trash containing food or beverage must be carried out of the building and disposed of in a proper outdoor receptacle.
  • The Staff Lounge may be used minimally to stage food and beverage service. Please keep the staging area as compact as possible to keep the room available to building staff for its intended purpose. 
  • The refrigerator is reserved for use by building staff.


  • A member of WCC's admin, staff, or faculty must present their photo ID to check out the conference room keys. 
  • During the meeting or event, the emergency exit door from the lanai must remain unlocked and fully accessible. This must be locked again at the end of the meeting or event.
  • The keys must remain in the building. 
  • The replacement cost for a lost key is $100.

Effective 03/19/2013

Fines & Fees Appeals Process

Individuals may contest charges for overdue, damaged, missing, or lost materials borrowed from the Windward Community College Library ("Library"). The Library intends to provide a fair and impartial review for each individual's case while exercising its responsibility for stewardship of its collections.

Step 1: Verbal Consultation

Within 90 days of the date that the charges were incurred, speak with the Circulation Manager and explain why you believe the charges should be reduced or dismissed.

Step 2: Written Appeal

If you disagree with the outcome of your consultation with the Circulation Manager, complete a written appeal using the Library Fines and Fees Appeal Form, and submit it to the Circulation Manager within 120 days of the date that the charges were incurred. The appeal will be reviewed by a library committee and a written response will be mailed to you within 30 days of receipt.  Once the committee makes a decision, the appeal process will end.

Please note:

  1. Only the person in whose name the charges appear may appeal the obligation.
  2. Library staff will only consider appeals made within the stipulated timeline.

Fines & Lost Materials Policies for All Borrowers

Overdue Fines

Overdue fines are assessed daily, including weekends and holidays, at the following rates:

  • Books & pamphlets: $.25 per day.
  • Recalled books: $.50 per day
  • Reserve materials, regardless of format: $.50 per day
  • Audiovisuals (Videos, CD-ROMs, DVDs): $1.00 per day
  • Laptops: $1.00 per hour or fraction of an hour
  • The maximum accumulated overdue fine is $10 per item

Lost or Damaged Library Materials

Windward Community College Library ("Library") items that are long overdue are automatically declared lost. Specifically,

  • Books are lost when 41 days overdue
  • Reserve items are lost when 21 days overdue
  • Audiovisuals (videos) are lost when 11 days overdue
  • Laptops are lost when 10 hours overdue

A replacement fee of $60 or the actual replacement cost will be assessed for each lost or damaged Library item (other than laptops or their batteries and AC adaptors. For these replacement cost details, see the Laptop Circulation Rules page). As an alternative, an exact replacement copy may be purchased and brought to the Library. Accumulated fines of up $10 and a $10 processing fee will also be assessed for lost items.


Those who fail to pay appropriately imposed accumulated fines or fees of $10.00 or more will be blocked from borrowing any additional Library materials until the fines are paid.

Additional sanctions may be imposed under the provisions of the Rules and Regulations Governing Delinquent Financial Obligations Owed the University of Hawaii including withholding grades, transcripts, and registration for classes and/or submittal to a Collection Agency or to the Hawaii State Tax Setoff program until the fines are paid.

Copies of the Rules and Regulations are on file at the Library, the offices of the Dean of Instruction, Director of Administrative Services & the Provost, and can be viewed online.

Faculty and staff are covered by statutory law in those cases where an individual fails to make restitution for lost materials.


For information on appeals, see Fines and Fees Appeals.

Effective January 1, 2003

Gift Acceptance Policy

Windward Community College Library ("Library") accepts donations of materials that support the research and teaching mission of courses and programs at the College. Received materials will be evaluated with criteria consistent with the Library Collection Development Policy.  Upon receipt, materials become the property of the Library and will be reviewed by the Collection Management or Subject Librarian. 

In accordance with United States tax regulations, the Library is not permitted to make appraisals of gifts.  It is the responsibility of the donor to keep appropriate records of items donated.  Library staff is not able to maintain records of sufficient detail to report to donors.

Criteria for Inclusion

  • For donations of more than ten items, a list of titles must be submitted to Sarah Gray, Collection Management Librarian (, 235-7450), before delivery. For large collections, an onsite visit may be arranged.
  • Donors may not place restrictions on gifts. The Library becomes the owner of all donated items and reserves the right to determine their retention, location, cataloging treatment, and other considerations related to their use, maintenance, removal, or disposal. 
  • Gifts must be in good condition as deemed by Library staff. For example, books that are falling apart, missing pages, marked up, or are yellowed/stained are not accepted. Books with mold or mildew are rejected outright.
  • Periodicals, outdated audiovisual formats, and duplicates of collection items are generally not accepted, except in special cases.
  • Donors wanting to purchase items for the Library should contact the Collection Management Librarian to discuss needed materials. Alternatively, monetary donations can be made at or via the Honor with Books form (available at the Library front desk).
  • Upon request, a bookplate and note in the catalog record can be added with donor or honoree name.

Gift Authorization Form

Upon donation, donors must complete the Gift Authorization Form indicating agreement with the Library’s Gift Acceptance Policy. The number of items of each type of gift will be recorded. This form is for the Collection Management Librarian’s records. 

Acknowledgement Letter

After gifts are accepted, an acknowledgement letter from the Head Librarian will be sent to the donor. The letter will note the number of items accepted but will not list individual titles or estimate the value of the donation. In order to receive a letter of acknowledgement, donors must complete the Gift Authorization Form.

Effective 12/28/16

Group Study Rooms Policy and Procedures

Group study rooms give students a place to engage in collaborative and cooperative study in small groups. Permanent, regular, or ongoing room assignments are not made to any group or organization.

No food is allowed in study rooms. Violators immediately forfeit use of the study rooms for the remainder of the semester.

  • Reservations can be made up to a week in advance at the Circulation Desk or by calling 235-7436.

  • Rooms are for use by groups of three (3) or more Windward Community College students, faculty, or staff.

  • Reservations may be made for up to two (2) hours. At the end of this time, a reservation may be extended for two (2) additional hours if the room is not reserved by another group.

  • To check out a room key, a person must have a valid Photo ID and fees of less than $10 on their UH Library account.

  • At least three (3) members of a group must be present to check out a room key (with the exception of SI Leaders and special cases).

  • Keys and supplies returned late will accrue fines of $1.20 per hour.

  • Lost room keys will result in a $100 replacement fee, a $10 processing fee, and up to $10 in overdue fines being charged to the borrower.

  • Please be considerate of others when using the group study rooms:

    • Move furniture back to original position.

    • Erase white boards.

    • Do not leave personal belongings unattended.

    • To cancel a reservation, contact the Circulation Desk.


Room Size Equipment Special Conditions
111A 171 SF 3 tables, 10 chairs; monitor May be combined with 111B
111B 176 SF 3 tables, 10 chairs; monitor May be combined with 111A
208 110 SF 3 tables, 8 chairs; monitor  
209 127 SF 3 tables, 8 chairs; monitor  
210 141 SF 3 tables, 8 chairs; monitor  
211 136 SF 3 tables, 8 chairs; monitor  
212 142 SF 3 tables, 8 chairs; monitor  
214 146 SF 3 tables, 8 chairs; monitor  

Effective 10/18/2012; Updated 3/21/2014

Hawaiian Collection Policy

The Hawaiian Collection contains rare, out-of-print, and hard to obtain materials which must be protected from theft and damage.  The collection is a closed collection and the Hawaiian Collection room will only be opened to visitors with special permission. 

  • Visitors must leave all purses, backpacks, and other bags outside the room. Only paper, pencils, and electronic devices are allowed in the room.
  • A scanner and copier are available in the room.

Hawaiian Collection items may be paged using the Hawaii Voyager HOLD feature or at Circulation Services.

  • Items will be retrieved from the collection as staff is available. Every effort will be made to retrieve materials on demand, however, this will not always be possible. It is recommended that users request materials one business day in advance.
  • UH students, faculty, and staff must present a current UH ID card or other valid picture ID to check out materials.  When a second copy is available, the item may be borrowed for the designated loan period.
  • Community members must use the materials in the library. They must have a valid University of Hawaii Library Community Card and a picture ID in order to check out materials.

Effective 9/27/12. Updated 2/27/2017.

Intrasystem Loan (ISL) Policy

Approved by the University of Hawai'i System Libraries' Library Council on September 9, 2005.

I. Introduction

The Libraries of the University of Hawai'i System are all part of the same institutional system. Therefore, the loan of materials between campuses for students, faculty and staff is considered to be intrasystem, and such a transaction called an IntraSystem Loan (ISL). These guidelines form the basis for a voluntary agreement adopted by the Libraries of the University of Hawai'i System to govern the rules for requesting and supplying an ISL among these libraries.

ISL service is an essential means of resource sharing to expand the range of materials available to University of Hawai'i system students, faculty and staff.

II. Definition

An ISL is a transaction in which library material, or a photocopy of the material, is supplied by one system library to another. This loan of materials between campuses is called an IntraSystem Loan (ISL).

III. Purpose

The purpose of ISL is to provide a broader range of resources, in a timely manner, for University of Hawai`i students, faculty and staff than would be otherwise available at one campus. ISL acts as an adjunct to, not a replacement of, the collection development policy of each system library.

IV. Fees

A. ISL fees may be charged by the supplying library to the requesting library. Shipping charges may be charged to the requesting library in addition to this service fee:

  • Loans - no fee
  • Photocopies - no fee up to 50 pages; $3.00 for each additional 50 pages
  • Audio-visual media and fiche duplicates - $3.00 per item 

B. Requesting libraries may impose transaction fees on patrons requesting loans.

V. Responsibilities of the Requesting Library

  1. Each library shall provide the resources to meet the ordinary needs and interests of its students, faculty and staff. Materials obtained from another system library on behalf of its students, faculty and staff should generally be limited to those items that do not conform to the library's collection development policy or for which there is no recurring demand.
  2. The requesting library shall make every effort to exhaust its own resources before using ISL.
  3. To ensure students, faculty and staff are able to use materials in a timely manner, items may be obtained through ISL rather than through circulation Recall or Hold. 
  4. Material borrowed from another library should not be put on reserve, with the exception of material from the home library to support distance education programs. In rare cases, when no other option but reserve is available, the consent of the supplying library must be obtained before putting a borrowed item on reserve. 
  5. The requesting library is responsible for compliance with the copyright law (Title 17, U.S. Code) and its accompanying guidelines governing the reproduction of copyrighted material, and should inform its users of the applicable portions of the law.  
  6. Material that does not circulate may be requested to be photocopied for a fee to be paid by the requesting campus if in compliance with the copyright law (Title 17, U.S. Code). The supplying library may charge a fee for large photocopy orders as specified in this document.
  7. Requests should be submitted using a standard Voyager form, which transmits the bibliographic description and holdings of the requested material. In rare cases when a system library requests an item for which there is no Voyager record, the request shall be submitted via email with the statement “cannot verify” along with information about the original source of the citation.
  8. All items obtained through ISL will be charged directly to the patron. The patron is then responsible for returning the items. The supplying library's circulation and fining policies apply. Fines for ISL audio-visual items are charged at a higher rate to ensure prompt return of items.
  9. Renewal of ISL materials should be undertaken directly by the patron through their own account in WebVoyage. 
  10. Borrowers may request up to a total of ten (10) ISL items per day.

VI. Responsibilities of the Supplying Library

  1. The decision to lend materials or provide photocopies is at the discretion of the supplying library. 
  2. The supplying library should process requests as promptly as staff resources allow. The conditions of the loan should be clearly stated.
  3. The supplying library should promptly notify the requesting library when it is unable to fill a request, stating the reason for not filling the request. 
  4. Loaned materials should be packaged carefully and delivered via Campus Mail whenever appropriate, or other expedited shipping method when not. Photocopies should be delivered electronically whenever feasible, either via Ariel® document transmission software, or as an email attachment.
  5. ISL material remains the responsibility of the supplying library from the time the material leaves the supplying library until it is charged out to the patron.

VII. Duration of Loan

  1. Materials arriving at the requesting library will be held for the patron for ten days from the date of notification unless specified otherwise by the supplying library.
  2. The duration of loans, unless otherwise specified, is the period of time materials may remain with the requesting library or patron, depending upon to whom these materials are charged at the end of this duration, excluding the time spent in transit. 
  3. ISL materials should be returned promptly. 
  4. All loaned materials may be subject to recall.  

IntraSystem Loan Policy is agreed to by the following Libraries of the University of Hawai'i System:

  • Honolulu Community College
  • John A. Burns School of Medicine Library
  • Kapi'olani Community College
  • Kaua'i Community College
  • Leeward Community College
  • Maui Community College
  • William S. Richardson School of Law Library
  • Windward Community College
  • University Center at West Hawai'i
  • University of Hawai'i at Hilo/Hawai'i Community College
  • University of Hawai'i at Mānoa
  • University of Hawai'i West O'ahu


Intrasystem Lending Policies
Main Collection
Special Collections
(videos, DVDs, etc.)
Accepts AV bookings for classroom showings
UH Mānoa Hamilton

Yes (include Asia)

No Microforms

No Map Collection and Special Research Collections

Yes (pending permission; multiple copies) Archives, Charlot, Gov. Docs., Hawaiian and Pacific Collections*
see Sinclair/Wong see Sinclair/Wong
UH Mānoa Sinclair
Yes see Hamilton Yes Yes, via the UHM Audiovisual Class Showing Request
UH Hilo
Yes No Map or Special Collections

Yes (pending permission: multiple copies) Hawaiian collection
Yes (faculty only pending permission) Videotape, DVD and CD Collections Yes, for Faculty only pending permission.
Requests via Voyager, Patron Hold System, or email
UH West Oahu
Yes No Special Collection or Casual Reading Yes Yes, via email
UH Honolulu CC
Yes Yes Hawaiian, Ocean and Popular Fiction Collections Yes (except Ocean) Yes, via email or
Telephone 845-9220
FAX 845-3618
UH Kapi'olani CC
Yes Yes Hawaiian Collection No No
UH Kaua'i CC
Yes No Hawaiian Collection Yes (faculty only) Yes, via email
UH Leeward CC
Yes No ESL, Maps or Best sellers Collections

Yes Hawaii/Pacific
Yes (except for select titles)
Must go thru various libraries’ ISL account to use PPH
Yes, via mediated PPH (ISL account) or email
UH Maui CC
Yes Yes Hawaiian Collection No Yes, for some items via email
UH Windward CC
Yes Yes Hawaiian and READ Collections Yes Yes, for faculty only via email
UH West Hawai'i Center
Yes Yes Hawaiian Collection Yes Yes, via email
UH School of Medicine
Yes (with exceptions) N/A N/A N/A
UH School of Law
Yes (with exceptions) No No Yes, with some exceptions. Contact Public Services Manager

*UH Hamilton Hawaiian & Pacific Collections – Items can be requested via mediated ISL patron accounts only, request via Voyager callslip, include patron information in comments.
Revised Feb 2014, Dee Akiu, HonCC

Updated 2/21/17

Laptop Use Rules

The Windward Community College Library ("Library") has laptop computers which can connect to the wireless campus network. This policy outlines the responsibilities that individuals accept when they check out a laptop computer from the Library.

Eligible borrowers are students, faculty and staff of Windward Community College (WCC) who

  1. Have a current, validated WCC ID (available at the Student Activity Center, Hale ‘Ākoakoa room 232, ph: 235-7395), Hawaii Drivers License, Hawaii State ID, Kingdom of Hawaii ID, or a Military ID.
  2. Do not owe more than $10 to UH system libraries.
  3. Have read this policy and agreed to its terms by signing a WCC Laptop Borrower’s Agreement.

Borrowing of laptops:

  1. Laptops are available on a first-come, first-served basis; they may not be reserved in advance.
  2. Laptops are to be used in the Library building.
  3. Laptops may be checked out for up to 4 hours; laptop loans may not be renewed.
  4. Laptops must be returned to the circulation desk 15 minutes before the Library closes each day.  They may not be kept overnight.
  5. Overdue fines are $1.00 per hour or fraction of an hour.
  6. A borrower is responsible for the laptop checked out to his/her account and will be assessed repair and/or replacement costs for any loss, theft or damage of the laptops in addition to fines and processing fees.
  7. Replacement costs: laptop = $1700; AC adaptor= $120; battery =$150.
  8. All users must abide by the Libraries of the University of Hawai'i System Circulation Policy, Revised April 2012, the UH Policy on the Use and Mangement of Information Technology Resources, and the Windward Community College Library Computer and Audiovisual Equipment Use Policy.

Laptop users are expected to exercise reasonable care and must take the following precautions:

  1. Safeguard the laptop at all times; never leave it unattended. If the laptop is lost, stolen or damaged, repair and/or replacement costs and fines and processing fees will be charged.
  2. Save all work to a flash drive. All files saved to the laptop will be erased upon logging off or shut down. The Library is not responsible for any lost or damaged files.
  3. Close the screen securely when transporting the laptop as the screen can easily damage. 
  4. Return the laptops directly to the staff at the Circulation Desk who will check for damage.
  5. Immediately report malfunctions and unusual programs or software to the Circulation Desk.
  6. Use the AC adaptor whenever possible to extend the battery life.
  7. Do not add, delete, or change any programs, applications, files, screen savers or bookmarks.

Library Use Policy

The resources and services provided by the Windward Community College Library ("Library") are designed to support Windward Community College programs, students, faculty, and staff. The Library Use Policy was created to ensure a welcoming, intellectual, and safe environment for all users in the pursuit of study and research.

A. General Use: Use of the Library is intended for research, individual or collaborative studying, and learning in a quiet environment.

Users may not

  • Engage in disruptive activity or any behavior that interferes with ordinary Library use or operation. Examples include, but are not limited to, cell phone ringing/phone conversations, loud audio from electronic devices, or obstructing pathways.

  • Interfere with an employee's performance of duties.

B. Facility Use: Library facilities are intended for Library activities and activities sponsored by the Library. Users are expected to respect Library facilities for the preservation of the building, furniture and equipment, and resources for current and future users.

Users may not

  • Damage or alter the layout of the building, furniture, equipment, or materials.

  • Bring food or uncovered beverages into the building, with the exception of the coffee shop and adjoining dining area. 

  • Bring animals into the building, with the exception of service animals as defined the Americans With Disabilities Act Title II Regulations (Title II 35.136).

  • Bring bikes or motorized carts into the building. Mobility aids, other than those used by persons with disabilities or for babies, are not permitted in the Library unless carried as personal property (e.g. skateboards, scooters).

  • Enter or remain in unauthorized areas of Library facilities at any time, or in any area when it is closed to the public. Users must leave the building at closing, during emergencies, and whenever requested by Library staff or safety/security personnel.

  • Post or distribute unauthorized material.

  • Engage in vending, peddling, panhandling, or solicitation of merchandise/services.

  • Leave personal belongings unattended. Responsibility for damage or theft of personal property is with the user.

C. Children's Library Use: Children under 13 years of age must be accompanied and supervised by a parent or guardian at all times. Parents are responsible for children's use of the Library.

Revised 12/18/2015

Loan Periods & Limits

University of Hawai'i System Students, Faculty and Staff

Collection Windward Students Windward Faculty & Staff UH Students from Other Campuses UH Faculty & Staff from Other Campuses Community Users

& Closed


28 day loan.
5 Renewals.

Recalled books:
14 day loan.

Limit: 10

Videos, CD-Roms, DVDs:
7 day loan.

1 renewal.
Limit: 5

182 day loan.
99 Renewals.

Recalled books:
14 day loan.

Limit: 10

Videos, CD-Roms, DVDs:
7 day loan.
1 renewal.

Limit: 5

28 day loan.
91 day loan.
All: 5 Renewals.

Recalled books:
14 day loan.

Limit: 10

Videos, CD-Roms, DVDs:
7 day loan.
1 renewal.

Limit: 5

182 day loan.
99 Renewals.

Recalled books:
14 day loan.

Limit: 10

Videos, CD-Roms, DVDs:
7 day loan.
1 renewal.

Limit: 5

28 day loan.
1 Renewal.

Recalled books:
14 day loan.

Limit: 10

Videos, CD-Roms, DVDs:
7 day loan; $23 per title.

Limit: 5


Textbooks for current semester courses:
Use in library

Other materials:
1 week, 2 nights, or use in library.
No renewals.

3 articles, 2 books,
2 cassettes, 2 videos,
2 CDs, 2 CD-Roms,
2 DVDs

Textbooks for current semester courses:
Use in library

Other materials:
1 week, 2 nights, or use in library.
No renewals.
Limit: 2

Textbooks for current semester courses:
Use in library.

Other materials:
Use in library.

Textbooks for current semester courses:
Use in library.

Other materials:
Use in library.



First copy:
Use in library.
Other copies:
2 week loan
1 renewal.
Limit: 5

Videos, CDs, CD-Roms, DVDs, kits, slides, games, cassettes, phonorecords:

First Copy:
Use in library.
Other Copies:
7 day loan.
1 renewal.
Limit: 5

First copy:
Use in library.
Other copies:
2 week loan
1 renewal.
Limit: 5

Videos, CDs, CD-Roms, DVDs, kits, slides, games, cassettes, phonorecords:

First Copy:
Use in library.
Other Copies:
7 day loan.
1 renewal.
Limit: 5

First copy:
Use in library.
Other copies:
2 week loan
No renewals.
Limit: 5

Videos, CDs, CD-Roms, DVDs, kits, slides, games, cassettes, phonorecords:

First Copy:
Use in library.
Other Copies:
7 day loan.
No renewals.
Limit: 5

First copy:
Use in library.
Other copies:
2 week loan
No renewals.
Limit: 5

Videos, CDs, CD-Roms, DVDs, kits, slides, games, cassettes, phonorecords:

First Copy:
Use in library.
Other Copies:
7 day loan.
No renewals.
Limit: 5


Use in library.



Videos, CDs, CD-Roms, DVDs, kits, slides, games, cassettes, phonorecords:

Use in library.

2 week loan
1 renewal.
Limit: 5
2 week loan
1 renewal.
Limit: 5
2 week loan
1 renewal.
Limit: 5
2 week loan
1 renewal.
Limit: 5
Use in library.
Maps, Art
prints, Posters
7 day loan.
1 renewal.
Limit: 4
7 day loan.
1 renewal.
Limit: 4
7 day loan.
1 renewal.
Limit: 4
7 day loan.
1 renewal.
Limit: 4
Use in library.

& all other materials

Use in library.

Use in library.

Use in library.

Use in library.

Use in library.

Libraries of the University of Hawai'i System Community Borrower Cards

Borrower Type: Community User UH Retiree Hawai'i State/City Agencies  Research Organization  Associate Member 
Criteria to Get Card

18 years or older

Photo ID

Hawai'i Drivers License,
Hawai'i State ID, Kingdom of Hawai'i ID or
Military ID

10 years of service in the University of Hawai'i System

Photo ID

Memorandum from department chair or campus personnel officer, signed and dated on official letterhead, stating that you worked 10 or more years in the UH system

Complete application form for Hawaii state and city agencies

Request printed on departmental letterhead signed by fiscal or other authorized officer

Include name(s) and ID number(s) of the individuals 

Completed "Research Card
Request and Agreement" form
Request printed on
institution’s letterhead signed
by fiscal or other authorized
officer, including name(s) and
ID number(s) of the individual

18 years or older.

Membership in the Associates of the University of Hawai'i at Mānoa Library (friends group)

Photo ID

6 months $30
1 year $60

Hawai'i residents 60 years & older:

6 months $20
1 year $30 

10 Years FREE

First two cards, no charge

Additional cards, $50 each

$60 each per year

$65 per year

($25 tax deductible as a donation)

Borrowing Privileges Books 10 books  10 books  10 books  10 books  25 books 
Loan Period  28 days 28 days 28 days 28 days 28 days
Renewal of Books and AV material 1 renewal 1 renewal 1 renewal  1 renewal  1 renewal
Borrowing Privileges AV UH Mānoa, Kapi'olani CC, Kaua'i CC, Leeward CC, Maui CC, & Windward CC:
In-house AV viewing free; borrowing $23 per title
UH Mānoa Only:
In-house AV viewing free; borrowing $23 per title
UH Hilo & UH West O'ahu, UH Maui College: No AV viewing or borrowing
Replacement Fee  $5 per card  $5 per card  $5 per card  $5 per card  $5 per card 
Card Issued   
Immediately upon payment  Immediately upon completion of required forms 7 days after application form,
signed letterhead and
payment are received
7 days after application form,
signed letterhead and
payment are received
Immediately upon payment
Card issued & renewed at Hamilton Library. More info: (808) 956-7203
Eligible for Borrowing at the Following Campuses * Hawai'i Community College
Kapi'olani CC
Kaua'i CC
Leeward CC
UH Maui College
UH Hilo
UH Mānoa: Hamilton Library & Sinclair Library
UH West O'ahu
Windward CC
UH Mānoa: Hamilton Library & Sinclair Library ONLY
Services NOT Available Intrasystem loans, Holds/Recalls Interlibrary loans, Computer Labs, Group Study Rooms, Lockers, laptop loans and Remote access to restricted online databases
No in-house access to Library PCs or laptops with internet access at UH Hilo
* Not Participating:  Honolulu Community College
UH Center, West Hawai'i
UH School of Law
UH School of Medicine

Policy Updated 02/15//2017

Windward Community College Library • 45-720 Keaʻahala Rd. • Kāneʻohe, HI 96744
Content: Creative Commons License Windward Community College Library
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