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Dossier Hui Resources: Lecturers

Guidelines, tips, and more to help WCC faculty with preparing their applications for contract renewal, promotion, tenure and 5-year review.

Important Dates

Lecturer Evaluations are due to the Office of Academic Affairs (Alakai 121) by 4:00 PM on April 1.

Lecture Evaluation

As lecturers may be employed by more than one community college, this policy sets minimum evaluation standards to ensure consistency in the lecturer evaluation process within the University of Hawai'i Community Colleges (UHCC).

Lecturer Evaluation must be submitted in hard copy format to your Dean in the spring semester. This applies to all lecturers who have taught one or both semesters. You must submit an evaluation in the required year in order to be rehired the following semester.

Lecturers at Step A shall be evaluated once each year

Lecturers  at Step B shall be evaluated once every two years 

Lecturers at Step C shall be evaluated once every four years

Lecturers hired by exception shall be evaluated once each year regardless of step

Lecturer Evaluation at WCC

As stated in your lecturer contract (professional obligation #5), a Lecturer Evaluation must be submitted in hard copy format to your Dean in the spring semester. The evaluation is for the spring and fall semesters of the prior calendar year, and applies to all lecturers who have taught one or both semesters.

All lecturers at Step A shall be evaluated once each year; all lecturers at Step B shall be evaluated once every two years and all lecturers at Step C shall be evaluated once every four years.

Academic Affairs will utilize your last submitted evaluation in determining when the next is required. For example, if you submitted an evaluation last year and are currently Step B, you do NOT need to submit this year, unless specifically asked to submit by your Department Chair (or their Designee) due to a concern with performance, as per the policy.

The policy also contains the specific minimal requirement of the Lecturer Evaluation document. If you are required to submit a Lecturer evaluation and fail to do so, you will not be rehired the following semester. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact your Dean.

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