"While snails rarely get a mention in most discussions of our sixth mass extinction event, the sad reality is that they are disappearing more rapidly than any other species, and Hawai'i's snails are amongst the hardest hit. Following snail trails through the islands' forests, laboratories, museums, and even a military training facility, this book explores processes of ecological and cultural loss as they are woven through with possibilities for hope, care, mourning, and resilience"-- Provided by publisher.
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Learn about new resources acquired by Windward Community College Library. This guide is maintained by Taylor Komori (Library Preservation Assistant) and Ellie Seaton (Technical Services Librarian). For questions regarding this guide, contact Ellie Seaton at emseaton@hawaii.edu.
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Subject Area(s) | Library Liaison | Contact Information |
Arts & Humanities (Fine Arts, Creative Media, Dance, English, History, Japanese Language & Literature, Music, Philosophy, Religion, Spanish, Theater) | Ellie Seaton | emseaton@hawaii.edu |
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Natural Science (Agriculture, Animal Science, Astronomy, Biochemistry, Biology, Botany, Business, Chemistry, Earth Sciences, Geography & Environment, Health, Human Development, Information & Computer Sciences, Mathematics, Microbiology, Oceanography, Physics, Physiology) | TBD; Contact the WCC Library Help Desk | wccref@hawaii.edu |
Social Sciences (Anthropology, Economics, Finance, Political Science, Psychology, Sociology, Women's Studies) | Sarah Sur | sgilman@hawaii.edu |
Collection | Description |
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Hawaiʻi LUO (HAW) |
Hawaiʻi 2 (HAW) |
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Reference (REF) |