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Hawaiian Music: Introduction

Getting Started

You are about to start a really fun journey learning about some of Hawai'i's most revered Hawaiian Music composers. Research is always a process, one step in front of another to achieve your finished "polished" paper. For some of you, this may turn into a life-long journey of discovery, uncovering life stories and musical spirit of those who came before.

The Information Landscape

The information landscape for composers is a challenging environment because there is information all over the place, in books, in magazine articles, in newspaper articles, on CDS, on DVDs, and in the personal memories of those who remember them. Your job is to find all those bits and pieces of information and write about them in your research paper.

The first step in researching composers of Hawaiian Music is to find books that have been written about your selected composer. Some composers have entire books written about them, while others have only chapters or sections written about them. Your job is to find all the information you can. Luckily, we have some really great library resources to get you started. Time to start Mission 1.

Windward Community College Library • 45-720 Keaʻahala Rd. • Kāneʻohe, HI 96744
Content: Creative Commons License Windward Community College Library
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