The Sustainability Curriculum Committee (SCC) is open to Windward CC students, staff, and faculty. For information on meetings, please contact Jenny Webster at jennykw [at]
SCC Meetings
3rd Fridays of the month at 10am via Zoom
Upcoming Meetings:
Past Meetings: 9/16/22, 10/21/2022, 11/18/22, 1/18/23, 2/24/23, March Zoom Meeting Cancelled (over email)
1. WCC Rain Garden
2. S-Designated Courses
3. Earth Day 2021
4. Sustainability Videos and Professional Development
1. S-Designated Courses (2022-2023)
2. ASC Certificates (2022-2023)
3. Informational Table at Earth Day 2023
4. Coconut Rhinoceros Beetle Informational Session at WCC Library (2023)
Volunteer with us on campus sustainability projects including the Rain Garden! Email Jenny Webster at jennykw [at] for more information.
Email <> to request a copy of the minutes.