What is OER?
Open Educational Resources, or OER, are teaching, learning, and research resources-- digital or otherwise-- that reside in the public domain or have been released under an open license. Anyone can use, copy, and/or redistribute these resources, with few or no restrictions.
OER come in many forms: full courses, textbooks, ancillary materials, streaming videos, software, images, and many other kinds of digital and print resources.
The key component that defines an OER is the open license attached to it (most commonly, a Creative Commons license).
Open educational resources:
Open educational resources include:
Remember: The license--NOT the item type or format--determines whether a resource is OER.
OER materials are published under open licenses that allows users to:
Ready to dive in?
Explore selected OER by Discipline or search on your own using the Find OER page.
Want a bit more guidance?
Contact your friendly librarian for one-on-one help or explore these resources:
Open Access (OA) refers to literature that is "digital, online, free of charge, and free of most copyright and licensing restrictions" [Peter Suber]. OA typically refers to research publications that have been released under an open license.
Open Educational Resources (OER) are teaching and learning resources available through an open license. OERs might include textbooks, courses, lesson plans, slides, tutorials, tests,quizzes, assignments, lab and classroom activities, syllabi, games, etc.
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