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Aquaculture Resources: Local Resources

Information resources about aquaculture.

Local Research Collections

Interviewing an Expert

Contacting the Expert

  • Call or email. Politely inform the person that you're a college student doing research for a presentation, project, or paper and that you hope they might have a few minutes to talk with you about your topic. Have your calendar on hand as you set up your appointment. Now is a good time to ask if they'll mind if you record your conversation. 

Before the Interview

  • Prepare a few questions. You might start with their name (including spelling) and position title. Have a few focused, open-ended questions that aren't easily answered with a simple search.

Conducting the Interview

  • Strive to have a conversation. People like to talk about what they know but don't appreciate getting drilled. 

After the Interview

  • Thank your interviewee, and ask if you may contact them again if you have any further questions.
  • Write down what you learned and flesh out your notes as soon as possible.
  • Send a thank you card or email.

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Windward Community College Library • 45-720 Keaʻahala Rd. • Kāneʻohe, HI 96744
Content: Creative Commons License Windward Community College Library
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