The WCC Library offers in-person and remote services.
Check the building hours below. Library support and services may also be accessed remotely via telephone, text, email, chat (Ask a Librarian), and videoconferencing.
Building Hours
Weekdays 8 AM to 4 PM
Closed weekends & state holidays
Hawaiʻi Collection Spring Hours
Mon. 8 AM to 3 PM
Tues. 12 PM to 4 PM
Wed. 9 AM to 4 PM (1-2PM break)
Thu. Closed
Fri. 11:30 AM to 4 PM
WCC-enrolled students may check out a laptop for the semester free of charge.
Computers are distributed by appointment only on a first-come, first-served basis. A variety of laptops are available, and library personnel will determine which device best suits a student's computing needs.
To reserve a laptop, submit the WCC Laptop Request & Borrower Agreement Form. A staff member will contact you by the end of the next business day to schedule a pickup appointment. Appointments are available on weekdays between 9 AM - 3:45 PM.
For questions regarding laptop loans, call the Circulation Desk at (808) 235-7436 or email
For assistance with your computer or software programs, please contact:
WCC Student Tech Support (Monday - Friday, 8AM to 4PM)
Live tech support + email options available
UH System Information Technology Services Help Desk (available 24/7)
Chat, telephone, and email options available
Access to online library resources is available 24/7 through the Library homepage. The WCC Library provides seamless access to 261,000 e-books, over 55,000 e-journals, 60+ library research databases, and 80,000 streaming videos. Reach out to our librarians via telephone, text, email, or library chat for assistance in navigating these e-resources.
The Library continues to offer after-hours checkout & pickup of books and DVDs, as well as partial digitization (scanning) of pages or chapters from books
Hawaiʻi Collection Room: Library staff are happy to retrieve items from the Hawai'i Collection for you when the room is closed. You can also make an appointment to access the room. Just ask!
Log in to the Library Catalog to place a request for a locker checkout (Request This Copy) or to Request Partial Digital Scan.
Contact a WCC librarian via phone, text, email, or chat. The librarian will work with you to determine if a digital scan or pickup is best.
Pickup Lockers are to the left of the library's main doors.
The library staff will tell you or email you a locker number. To open your designated locker:
Laptops & Equipment: Return laptops, calculators, and other equipment to the Circulation Desk during the Library's open hours.
Books and DVDs: Return these to the Circulation Desk or to the book drop near the top of the stairs by the front entrance. You may also return these items to the book drop at any other UH campus library.
Telephone: (808) 235-7338
Text: (808) 731-2275
Chat & video conferencing: Begin with the Ask a Librarian chat service. You or the librarian may suggest moving to Zoom or Google Meet.
You can pay outstanding fines & fees by credit card in person, over the phone, or by mailing or taking a check to the UH Manoa Hamilton Library.
See the staff person at the Circulation Desk between 9am and 3pm, Monday through Friday (cash and check only).
Call the UH Mānoa Hamilton Library Business Office at 808-956-7203 between 9-12 or 1-4, Monday through Friday (excluding holidays).
Make your check out to "UH Libraries". You can take it to UH Manoa's Hamilton Library, Room 101, or mail it to: Hamilton Library Access Services, Room 101, 2550 McCarthy Mall, Honolulu, HI 96826 (please enclose your name and UH number).