Research Help
Weekdays 8 AM - 4 PM
Call: 808-235-7338
Text: 808-731-2275
Circulation Desk
Weekdays 8 AM - 5 PM
Call: 808-235-7436
This guide has been created for Windward Community College distance education faculty.
It has information on the programs and services that the WCC Library is able to provide for our distance education faculty. We, the librarians, are here to aid you in whatever way we can. Please feel free to contact us via email, phone, or face to face at any time.
For immediate assistance please visit the WCC Library Help Desk during library open hours or call 235-7338.
Building Hours
Weekdays 8 AM to 4 PM
Closed weekends & state holidays
Hawaiʻi Collection Spring Hours
Mon. 8 AM to 3 PM
Tues. 12 PM to 4 PM
Wed. 9 AM to 4 PM (1-2PM break)
Thu. Closed
Fri. 11:30 AM to 4 PM